Slide DMS163, [Adrenal, monkey, H&E+orange G]. First identify capsule, cortex and medulla . You should have no trouble distinguishing the cortical zones, from outer to inner: zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis. Note the characteristic arrangement of parenchymal cells in each zone and the intervening blood sinusoids (type of endothelium?). You should know the hormones produced in each zone.

Now study the medulla noting the characteristic chromaffin cells (modified sympathetic ganglion cells) and abundant blood sinusoids. (Review the blood supply to the cortex and medulla).

Schematic section through adrenal cortex (1-4) & medulla: 1. capsule; 2. zona glomerulosa; 3. zona fasciculata; 4. zona reticularis; 5. adrenal medulla