Slide DMS185 [Epididymis, human, H&E]. The lining epithelium is of the pseudostratified columnar type and consists of two distinct cell types: tall principal cells covered with stereocilia and smaller, basal cells which rest against the basal lamina. What is the difference between a stereocilium and an ordinary cilium (kinetocilium)? In the lumen of the tubules there are some mature spermatozoa as well as cellular debris. In the stroma, note connective tissue, smooth muscles, and blood vessels. What functions are served by the epididymis?

Longitudinal section of testis, Epididymis, ductus deferens: 1. Ductuli efferentes; 2. Tubulus rectus; 3. Seminiferous tubule; 4. Interlobular septum; 5. Tunica albuginea; 6. Caudal epididymis; 7. Corpus epidiymis; 8. Mediastinum, rete testis; 9. Ductus deferens; 10. Caput epididymis